Be A Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

Hi Friends ,
As I got information about MVP i am dreaming that i am MVP. So now i want to be MVP and as i am searching for information about how to become MVP. As I am getting information so i think why not to share it with you.

Why to become a MVP ?
for the Answer Click Here

Who complete MVP in your Are ?
Check the MVP Directory

To qualify to become a MVP, you need to be above 18 years of age and your community contribution should be exemplary, regardless of your profession. Your technical knowledge on any Microsoft Product should be good and you should show willingness to help the community with your expertise and passion for technology. Your community participation can extend to blogs, wikis, forums or offline as for book authors, speakers or technical leaders etc., and not necessarily Microsoft hosted communities. For more information, download the MVP program guide (.pdf).

Apply by downloading the MVP nomination form (.doc), fill it and email it to them. MVP applications are reviewed by a panel of Microsoft personnel and only very few make the MVP award based on your past year activities. The MVP awards are given every quarter and they accept nominations throughout the year. However, to maintain the standards, an MVP Award is valid only for a year, after which you need to reapply.

So if you have some more information then free comments.


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