Aarya Chanakya

Some days before i heard a kirtan on Aarya chanakya by Shri. Charudatta Aafale it was amazing and very enthusiastic. so i thought it is great to share it with you guys the name of chanakya is vishnugupta or Kautalya and i am not going to tell you whole story which make you boring.

Chankya is famous because of his intelligence he is very talende and he know how to implement politics very well. he born in Patilputra means patna and there he is start studding.

His father was very well known person in that emperor and he reveal the Tax fraud of that king due to which king has killed his father and told everyone to not to support the vishnugupta. then vishnugupta leave patna and walk towards punch app (panjab) to get admission in Takshila university. In travel he met some businessman and learn techniques of business from them and suggest them changes to improve profit margin because of that businessman gives him entry pass of takshila prant. In takshila he ask to his principal to do three course at a time which required 36 years to do. that courses are Economics, political science and Medicine (Ayurveda) in 6 years so they take interview of him and very impress by his lateral thinking. so they teach them and then he take mastery in all three subject.

after some year of completing education he was doing lectureship there so he leaves punjan and came back to patna to take revenge and he plan to reveal corruption of that king then he search for kings illegal sons and with help of them reveal all his fraud in front of people and then give him death penalty at same place where his dad get death.

in between Chanakya has build very strong network of messengers to fight against Alexander. punjab king called Alexander to bit Delhi king and get married to his daughter so Alexander comes to India and start capturing lands of India but in every fight he has to bare allot , every fight he lost his thousands of fighters due to networking of chanakya. students of chanakya inform every movement of Alexander to chanakya and then he make villagers ready to fight against army of Alexander. so he has to bare a lot. due to that Alexander plan to go back from India. He is not able to cross Ganga River due to that worries he died.


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